Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ash Wednesday, Hard and Fast

This year Lent has come out of now where and hit us Hard and fast. This year Easter falls on the second earliest possible date. Lent the great penitential season of the church. It's funny how the church only mandates two days of fasting, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and still people complain. One of my Lenten resolutions is to use the computer less, so that will explain my lack of posts. I hope everyone enters into the spirit of the seasons, other wise, the Great Joy of easter will be anti climatic. I hope to post some interesting photos soon, especially from the procession that will take place in the city on Saturday, so stay tuned, we're not dead yet.

1 comment:

Summa Theologiae said...

To the statistics buffs out there the latest date which Easter can fall on is April 25th.