Friday, July 13, 2007

ACSA congress- day 3

Alright time for photos from day 3 , the final day.2 young Capucins, It's was great to see so many young religious at the conference, especially the order that the cappuccino is named after!
A Ninja turtle! complete with throwing star!
Catholic students are really funny people!
The Mass at John XXIII college.
The calling down of the holy spirit
The worst part of the congress was the good byes, that and being locked out of your room at 3am!
Imagine this 15 or so catholic students and two priest filleing into a red rooster to have some tucker!, something really grand!
Later the Brisbane convoy contingent traveled to the war memorial, which by the way will have it's own post! so stay tuned!


aaron said...

Did you notice Card. Cassidy say 'Oremus' after the Gregorian Kyrie & Gloria...??

Unknown said...

Yes I did, I was kind of hopeing for a bit more. Maybe a per omina here and there, or even ite missa est.